
Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Split flac file easy way

I need to split large flac audio files to convert them to apple lossless format and them transfer them to my ipod. The official way says:

First you need to install cuetools and shntool. From the terminal type:

sudo apt-get install cuetools shntool flac
To split a flac file back to the original files using a .cue file:

cuebreakpoints '<cue file>' | shnsplit -o flac '<audio flac file>'  

This didn't really work, no tags were saved and editing hundreds of individual files is not an option.

I found in one comment to use K3b. And that helped a lot. What must be done is:

1. Open the CUE file in K3b.
2. Choose convert tracks to FLAC.
3. Press Start.

This created folder in my home dir with artist name - album and files inside. Very helpful, from there next step was to convert all files to m4a/alac format in soundKonverter.

*Notice it was soundKonverter - with K not C.